Are you looking for an excellent dermatologist in Stockton or Lodi, CA? At California Skin & Laser Center, we offer a full range of cosmetic and medical dermatology services. Some of the most common conditions and treatments are highlighted on this page. However, as a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Bock is trained to diagnose and treat thousands of different skin conditions, as well as correct aesthetic issues. If you have any skin concerns, please call our office and schedule an appointment.
Facial Redness, Rosacea & “Broken Vessels”
Diffuse background facial redness is best treated with the Sciton BroadBand Light System (BBL); however, this will sometimes fail to remove larger superficial veins. These are best treated with the Sciton vascular laser, and smaller vessels will respond to the Sciton or KTP laser.
Facial Sun Damage & Brown Spots
Over time, skin often acquires discoloration and various types of pigmentation problems that create a muddy appearance or uneven tone. Treatment options include:
- Microdermabrasion – In our office, we use the DiamondTome system, which utilizes a rotating diamond-coated wand. As the skin ages, the skin cells turn over more slowly. The diamond particles produce a mild injury to the skin and this makes the skin cells turn over more rapidly. When the skin cells turn over more rapidly, they behave and look as though they are part of younger skin. This regeneration of the skin occurs without visible injury to the skin.
- Fraxel laser – Fraxel restore has been the subject of considerable media attention, being featured on CBS, CNN, Prevention, and Health, to name just a few. It provides a fractional skin resurfacing option, leaving microscopic islands of unaffected skin throughout the treatment area, for minimal discomfort with no downtime.
- Sciton Microlaserpeel – This advanced skin resurfacing technology is used to remove the superficial layers of skin with reduced discomfort or downtime.
- Arctic Peel – This is a highly effective, yet minimally invasive chemical peel, which is completed in just 30 minutes.
- Levulan Photofacial & superphotofacial – These enhanced photofacial techniques incorporate Levulan (Delta-aminolevulinic acid) for improved skin rejuvenation.
- Sciton BroadBand Light System (BBL) – This is a highly effective light therapy used for improving brown discolorations, red spots or vessels, and fine lines and wrinkles.
- Chemical Peels – Various types and strengths of peels are available. These treatments are tailored according to your individual skin concerns.
Facial Vein Removal
Treatment options include:
- Sciton BroadBand Light System (BBL) – The Broad Band Light is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light therapy, which can improve vascular lesions and facial redness,fine lines and wrinkles as well as a number of other skin problems.
- KTP laser – KTP Laser can target dilated vessels, black or brown spots with no bruising.
- Sciton vascular laser – We hesitate to use many laser vein-removal technologies, because they have not been tested and proved to our satisfaction. However, the Sciton vascular laser has impressed us and our patients with its safety and effectiveness.
Increased Sweating of Hands, Feet or Armpits (Hyperhidrosis)
Treatment options include:
- BOTOX® and Dysport™ therapy – The same wonderful neuromodulator products that erase wrinkles and lines on the upper face can be used to relieve the discomfort and embarrassment of overactive sweat glands.
Skin Cancer
Treatment options include:
- Mohs Micrographic Surgery – This cancer removal technique offers a better cure rate as well as a better cosmetic outcome than other alternatives.