Patients in and around the area of Stockton who are faced with blood vessels and redness of the skin may realize that a dermatologist can help. Dr. Gerald Bock and the team at California Skin and Laser Center believe patients should be able to speak to a professional about their skin and body conditions to seek effective treatment. Using some of the latest technologies and techniques, our team can assist patients with a wide range of problems and help them find effective, affordable solutions that can improve their skin’s health and beauty.
Men and women struggling with the presence of blood vessels on the face or legs, or even chronic redness, may want to consider the advantages of laser light treatments. Laser light treatments are able to break down blood vessels and the redness that can occur on the skin and rejuvenate the appearance in a dramatic way. Dr. Gerald Bock administers many of these treatments himself to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Common skin redness and the presence of blood vessels may require Stockton area patients to undergo a wide variety of treatment. The treatment will vary depending on the type and severity of the condition.
Diffuse Redness
Patients who are interested in diffusing redness of the skin may be best for the broadband light treatment with the QuadroStar Pro Yellow Laser.
Visible Blood Vessels
Those with visible blood vessels that are small or moderate in size and located on the face are better suited for KTP, QuadroStar Pro Yellow Laser, which is faster and more comfortable for many.
Larger Facial and Leg Vessels
Those with leg blood vessels and large facial blood vessels should consider treatments such as Sciton.
Determining the most appropriate treatment for blood vessels and redness is done during an initial consultation appointment with Dr. Gerald Bock and the team at California Skin and Laser Center of Stockton. Contact us today to book a consultation visit and learn about the advantages of effective treatment for blood vessels and redness from a dedicated dermatologist ready and willing to assist.