Each day, more people across the globe are selecting procedures geared toward the improvement of their outward physical appearance. Fields including dentistry, dermatology, and plastic surgery are all reaping the benefits of the increased numbers of cosmetic procedures being performed, which are allowing patients to look and feel better than ever before. Those seeking laser treatment for the removal of excess (or even a normal amount) of hair are looking to Dr. Gerald Bock and his team at California Skin & Laser Treatment center in Stockton, CA. Dr. Bock utilizes the safe and effective Sciton Laser to remove hair that patients wish to see eradicated.
The Popularity of Laser Hair Removal
Many at-home treatments including waxing and shaving are becoming things of the past thanks to the advancement in hair removal procedures, which can be performed safely and cost-effectively by skincare professionals. Due to the increasing effectiveness of these services, an ever-increasing number of individuals are choosing hair removal procedures daily.
Studies conducted in 2012 have found that nearly 11 billion dollars were spent on cosmetic surgical procedures alone with nearly 400 million of that money going towards laser hair removal. Based on these numbers, it is easy to see just how popular this procedure has become. The number of laser hair removal procedures performed annually has increased each year in all applicable age groups at about the same rate over the past decade, with the highest increase occurring in those aged over 55 years.
One reason for the continuous increase in the popularity of hair removal procedures is the fact it is incredibly safe and can be performed with minimal discomfort resulting in a procedure that patients are continuously satisfied with. Effects of laser hair removal can often last a long time, though multiple treatments are required for optimal results.
Why Are People Seeking Laser Hair Removal?
There are several reasons people are continuing to choose laser hair removal in increasing numbers each year. For some, the reasons may be purely cosmetic while, for others, it may be due to conditions such as hypertrichosis or hirsutism. No matter the reason why, one major reason is that laser hair removal continues to be performed safely, effectively, and without significant side-effects when performed by knowledgeable and experienced medical professionals.
Laser hair removal is successful at eradicating target hair by destroying the root of the hair follicle, which contains melanin. Melanin is what is responsible for giving hair its color and, when exposed to the laser, will absorb the photons of the laser to effectively break down the melanin and hair follicle. Removing the hair at the root is incredibly effective in providing skin that is smoother with reduced hair for long periods. Unfortunately, blond hair lacks sufficient melanin and will not respond to Laser Treatment.
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Safety of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal treatment has proven to be a safe and effective treatment with little to no side-effects. The process itself can be performed quickly. Results, of course, will vary depending on the skin care professional you choose, so do your research ahead of time so that you know you can trust the individual performing the procedure. Make sure and ask questions about the equipment being used since several different lasers can be emitted from different types of machines, all of which can produce varying results. The great news is that when in the right hands, laser hair removal is very safe and produces incredible results. Our laser hair removal is performed by registered nurses who each have over 12 years of experience.
Cost of Laser Hair Removal
One more reason for the popularity of laser hair removal is the cost. When many people consider cosmetic procedures but ultimately end up not pursuing them, the cost is often the most common reason why. Laser hair removal is affordable and, when considering the great results that can be achieved, has men and women saying yes to this procedure.
Sciton Laser Technology
At the California Skin & Laser Center, Dr. Gerald Bock utilizes a specific laser for hair removal called the Sciton Laser. This laser holds significant advantages over previously used laser technologies. The Sciton Laser uses a safe long-wavelength laser, which is fired through a sapphire cooling plate. This ensures that your skin is effectively cooled before, during, and after the laser treatment resulting in a treatment that is not only safer but also more comfortable than treatments provided in the past by different lasers.
If you are interested in learning more about services offered by the California Skin & Laser Center or, specifically, laser hair removal treatment and the Sciton Profile Laser, please call 209-751-4292 today for an appointment.
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